Blog for Teen Spies:
Teen Spies, Ch 2, page 17: We turned into Mister Herman’s driveway. He’s a widower. His wife away passed from pneumonia in early 1941. There was a big funeral in Charlottesville, and plenty of folks, including us, came and paid their respects. Nowadays Otto lives alone in the big two-story white Victorian, and like us, he owns one of those big red barns.

His house needs some repairs, but like most people we know, he owns a telephone, a refrigerator, and a radio. Telephones in our area are fairly new, but doesn’t everyone have a radio? We like listening to the big band music on Station WRVA, and maybe Otto does too. His barn has that weathered look, but it’s home for his two plow horses. Dad said Otto owns 100 acres too, but most of his fields are overrun with weeds.

Oddly, just as I was thinking about Otto, Nat said, “I wonder why Mister Herman never grows crops? I thought everyone who lives on a farm grows something.”
I glanced at her. “Who knows? Maybe he’s too old to do all the seeding, plowing, and harvesting. Or maybe he’s got a secret business.”